Zen Breakfast

The Story of Zen Breakfast

I first fell in love with the work of Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. through his book Breakfast of Champions. For a long time that book was my answer to the question "If you were stranded on a deserted island and could have just one book, what would it be?"

Many years later, I found the book The Holy Man, by Susan Trott. Breakfast of Champions had competition for "deserted island book." Although Ms. Trott's book doesn't specify a religion for her holy man, she sites Buddhism as an inspiration for the book, and for me it has the quality of the lessons found in Zen Buddhism. I was hooked.

Both of these books are among those I turn to again and again.

What I Love

I've been told that some people probably think the ZB in my Twitter handle stands for Zaphod Beeblebrox. . There's certainly a clue in that handle to tell you that Douglas Adams' science fiction series is another of my literary loves.

What else could ZB mean? It turns out to mean some other things I love, like the TV show Futurama (Zapp Brannigan), and films (Zatoichi Beat). This is a web site about the things I love.

- Zen Breakfast on Twitter