Zen Breakfast


I love cartoons. Peanuts. Pogo. Calvin and Hobbes. Marvel. I admire people who can cartoon.

I can't cartoon. Not really. I'm an artist and I can create a simplified graphic doodle, but that's not really the same thing. I think people who can cartoon see things differently. They seem to look at the world and see it as a cartoon. I don't know. I'm not a cartoonist.

I have friends who cartoon. I've seen them just start drawing and - bam! - it's a cartoon. Freaks.


As a teenager I had a science class in which we were given a project to demonstrate something about any kind of science and explain about it. A kind of grown-up show and tell. I remember one kid brought in his pet tarantula, passing it around in its cage while he told us all about the arachnids.

I borrowed my Dad's movie camera and made a short stop-motion film of a stuffed tiger walking across a bookcase - continuity of theme, anyone? - and falling down. Animation!

In my graphic design classes, I've learned how to use software to do a kind of simple cel-like animation. Now if I could only cartoon!