Zen Breakfast

Collecting Books

I've always enjoyed reading. I used to go the library every week and get new books. Kurt Vonnegut was the first author whose books I started buying. I now own a ridiculous number of books; they're in every room. Some people say you should get rid of a book when you buy a new one. I say I need my own library.

I do now read some e-books. But there's something special about a physical book. If you really love it, it becomes an artifact - evidence that it has been loved. My most dog eared books include Pilgrim at Tinker's Creek by Annie Dillard, The Stand by Stephen King, and True Grit by Charles Portis.

My Dad had a lot to do with my love of reading. He didn't just read to me and my sister when we were little. He made up voices for the characters. And he introduced us to things that would only get better as we grew up - like Pogo comic strip books. Dad had a real love of words and meanings and that had a big impact.

Douglas Adams

My most-collected books are by Vonnegut, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Douglas Adams. Unlike Vonnegut and Tolkien, who I was reading as a preteen, I didn't discover Adams until the TV program of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy showed up on PBS.

I now have a couple of editions of the Hitchhiker five-book "trilogy," as well as The Salmon of Doubt.

You can always spot a fellow Hitchhiker fan by our common love of the number 42 and, among Americans, a ready understanding of the word "zed." We hear Simon Jones' voice in the name Arthur Dent.